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Showing posts from November, 2015


You know you screwed up when you look into his eyes and see nothing but disappointment. The moment he stands up and walks out the door, you feel a wave of guilt and void hit you right in the face. The realization that all you've ever done is drive everyone else away from you and when someone offers to care for you unconditionally, you whimper and cower away. I held on to the thought that we're different from the rest. That we're perfect for each other because we compliment each others' flaws. Where I was insecure and worried, you are the radiant pillar of strength that I would draw confidence and comfort from. You have always managed to fill the emptiness in me, and I felt so complete. You are the perfect, beautiful soul that you are, when I have countless of flaws that needed fixing. All I needed was for you to be patient. Little did I know that this bliss would be short-lived, and distance is the single most painful thing to endure when you love someone this much.

Stay Away

This numbness again the wound in your conscience when it hurts so much you don't want to feel anymore. I am everywhere in the stale air you breathe. I will gnaw at your bones and never let go.  Because I'm a tumour. Deeper, and deeper I will grow until I kill you.