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Showing posts from April, 2014


Discovered this little personality test, took me twenty five minutes to finish all 100 questions on the questionaire. I would say it's fairly accurate, judging by my results I seem to possess a moderate amount of every trait. I don't know if it's a bad thing or a good thing. But I definitely need to work on managing stress and yeah, be more patient (although I wouldn't want to take the odds on this one). Oh yes my poor persuasiveness, too. Nonetheless the test was well worth the time, everyone go try!


I've always felt like I'm constantly standing on a brink, a verge of life that determines my ultimate fate. Who I choose to become, the decisions I make, the principles that I uphold would greatly alter my course. And I keep reminding myself to be extra cautious. This is the problem, now:  I don't know who I am.  I have lived through 19 years trying to figure out what purpose I serve and where exactly I belong. All this while, am I making correct choices or am I just too blinded to realise my mistakes? I'm lost, I admit. I cry myself to sleep every night, and wake up just as troubled. It doesn't change. I have so many flaws that I try to fix everyday but they never seem to heal, so many broken pieces that I try to mend but they won't fall into place. I just keep falling apart, falling apart, falling apart. Nothing ever changes. But I believe in perfection. Always have, always will. I believe humans are continuously in search of a perfect place. A s