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Showing posts from December, 2013

Everyday is Wednesday

Still the four of us. Always the four of us.  From 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M to 6M; From drawing mazes to drawing comic strips and creating play scripts; From recorder ensemble regionals to becoming national champions; From birthday parties, barbecues, impromptu sleepovers to bars and Christmas' Eve in a club; From Penang Island, to Mainland and later to all around the world; From school mates, classmates, to an inseparable team.  Hard to believe it really has been 10 years, life would be very much different without them. Some things never change, some people never leave, some bonds never break. Thank you for the amazing memories.  P.S.  See you guys again in June. Can't wait. 

My Birthday Poem

2 years ago. From Sheryl, Shuen, Cheeyi and David. If you guys are by any chance reading this, thank you, I love it. Feet dangling in turquoise blue And the late autumn chill comes sifting down Bites, nips at her ankles like little fish. She looks out to the sea, where all Are in their sluggish dreams, dripping with honey lethargy All but the lone seagull who Kept screeching like a blithering idiot Until, tired of the monotony, flies away And silence settles like a heavy blanket. Sunlight gathers in her lap Glittering shards of crystal The tingling warmth A silent companion for her eternal bliss.

I Need You

The party's just begun I promise this drink is my last one I know I fucked up again 'cause I lost my only friend God forgive my sins Don't leave me I'd hate myself until I die My heart would break without you might not awake without you been hurting low from living high for so long I'm sorry and I love you stay with me Bell Bottom Blue I keep on searching for an answer because I need you more than Dope. This is everything I've been trying to tell you; I didn't change. I was looking for myself and I finally found me, right where I started. This is home, this is where my heart will never leave . This is home, with you.


I swear, these atrociously short three-week long semester breaks have to be made illegal. Three weeks. I won't even have enough time for all the food Penang has to offer, much less the sightseeings I plan on going after being away from home for so long. Basing on the fact that I just flunked a half of my subjects, there's definitely not enough time for my heart and mind to heal from the huge blow. So I've decided to come up with a long list - heck, since when are my lists short? - of things to be done. Hopefully I'll have sufficient time to finish off every puny task by the end of December.  Learn French. Do something to my hair. And my face. I have to bowl, how long has it been? Catching Fire Draft my personal statement Shopping  FOOD. FOOD. FOOD. FOOOOOD. FOOOOOOOOODASDFGUHSIOJLWE. And get fat.  And spend more time with mom. Truth is, there are a lot more on my list but some things are better left untold, don't you agree? P/S: 31 posts

Sleepless Nights

I really shouldn't be here, but if I would ever listen to myself I'll be much more happier than I am right now. But I'm not.  So here goes. If it weren't for the company I had at that moment I would've broken down into tears. I wish I could find words to describe how being depressed felt like, but then who would understand? Or more importantly, who would actually make an effort to understand how I feel? Maybe I'm overreacting again, but yes, sometimes it feels like I give too much just to get nothing in return. But no matter how hard I try to be a better person, I keep failing. I disappoint people. Friends, family, and even myself.  I'm sick of explaining my intentions. I hate misunderstandings. When you're an outcast, you'll always be an outcast. And once a failure, always a failure, too. It's like last year all over again. Getting accused of something you wouldn't do by someone who means so much to you. But it's differ