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Showing posts from May, 2013

Confess and Live

Here's a simple confession to make: I'm afraid.  But I'm not. I'm not afraid of being afraid. At least, it's proof that I'm still sane and still alive. Fear can be transformed into strength, because it's like a hurdle - when you've mustered enough energy to jump over your boundaries, you'll land back on track to finish the long race. Fear will not take over me. I will land on the other side. I will retrieve what I rightfully deserve, I'm sure.

Yayasan Khazanah: First & Second Stage

Undeniably, scholarships and I tend to have rather... complicated relationships. The first one I applied for (and a quite prestigious one for heaven's sake) didn't qualify because reckless little me missed out one of the application procedures. I'm still beating myself up for that. And then there was Taylor's Principal Awards where I was awarded with 10 thousand MYR worth of tuition wee waiver for selected Pre-University Courses. Considering my current financial abilities, I turned it down because as honoured as I am to be holding a TPA, the remaining uncovered fees (not to mention living costs) were still far from what my family could afford. I didn't get the PETRONAS scholarship, neither did I make it to the 3rd stage of Yayasan Khazanah (YK). I say, failures are a sign of you're getting closer to what you want, so let's rejoice.  Back to where I started, I was about to write about what I've learned during the interview processes of YK - Stag