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Showing posts from August, 2013

Just A New Beginning

Wandering through my sea of thoughts, I stumbled upon a quote I used to always remind myself with:  Everything will be okay in the end. My instinct tells me that things would be very different from now. Since I opted to join a servicing club, I guess hectic schedules are inevitable. Deep down, something tells me I'm going to enjoy every bit of my time. However, the realist in me warns otherwise - to be an all rounder, to balance extra-curricular activities and academics is not an easy task. Time management plays a crucial role. Fail at it and everything could go wrong in every possible way.  I'm scared. But fear is not an enemy, it's a force that pushes us forward to strive and achieve. It is a voice inside our head that whispers the worst but offers the most glorious victory in the end. So it's okay to fear, but don't fear fear.  Embrace it, and sit back for the ride.

The Milestone

We grow up and grow old, trudging through life and learning lessons as we do. Often, we fall and hit ourselves hard, and bruises would leave us questioning ourselves: Have I done this right? Is this the right choice to make? Should I move forward, or turn into another path? Questions like these never guarantee immediate or even right answers and we all know it well. Instead of staying down licking our wounds, we get up, leave our comfort zone to make way for fresh challenges, recreate and reinvent ourselves to fit into the new crowd. It would be a tough transition, they say, and I could never deny it. From home to hostel, every emotional attachment you've had in the past surges back onto you after the first tedious night. You wake up in the morning after a long night of tossing in that unfamiliar bed just to realize nothing will be the same anymore. It could be the start of something amazing, but it just as well might be a pathway down to Hell. Nonetheless, these uncertai